AI Research
Solving Hard Problems
InferLink is a data science firm with its own AI R&D center that specializes in applying AI technologies to solve complex problems for government and enterprise clients. Our solutions are designed to work, whatever the challenge or complexity.
information search cybersecurity medical literature clustering text mining data integration
natural language processing entity resolution relationship discovery
artificial intelligence clinical research classifiers unsupervised learning relational data
social media analysis taxonomy applications people data
web harvesting active learning knowledge graphs
Selected Publications
The InferLink team is widely published and frequently cited in top national and international artificial intelligence journals and conference proceedings, receiving numerous awards for their work. Below are some representative publications:
Building and Using a Knowledge Graph to Combat Human Trafficking (Winner, Best Applied Paper, 2015 International Semantic Web Conference)
Szekely P, Knoblock C A, Slepicka J, Philpot A, et al
14th International Semantic Web Conference, 2015
The significant cost of systematic reviews and meta-analyses: A call for greater involvement of machine learning to assess the promise of clinical trials
Michelson M, Reuter K
Contemporary clinical trials communications, 2019
The Impact of Environmental Stressors on Human Trafficking
Tomkins S, Farnadi G, Amanatullah B, Lise Getoor, Minton S
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2018
Mining Commit Log Messages to Identify Risky Code
Barish G, Michelson M, Minton S
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Analyzing Foreign-Language Social-Media Reaction to Televised Speeches: Lessons Learned
Amanatullah B, Minton S, Michelson M, Barish G, See K
Proceedings on the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Beyond Sensors: Reading Patients Through Caregivers and Context
Barish G, Lester P MD, Saltzman W, Elbogen E
Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2014
Materializing Multi-Relational Databases from the Web using Taxonomic Queries
Michelson M, Macskassy S A
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2011
Interactive Data Integration through Smart Copy & Paste
Ives Z G, Knoblock C A, Minton S, Jacob M, Talukdar P P, Tuchinda R, Ambite J L, Muslea M, Gazen C
Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, 2009
EntityBases: Compiling, Organizing and Querying Massive Entity Repositories
Knoblock C A, Ambite J L, Ganesan K, Muslea M, Minton S, Barish G, Gamble E, Nanjo C, See K, Shahabi C, Chen C-C
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2007
Overview of AutoFeed: An Unsupervised Learning System for Generating Webfeeds
Gazen B, Minton S
Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2006
Automated Discovery of Comparative Effectiveness Hypotheses from Medical Literature
Ross M, Michelson M, Tee Qiao Ying A, Ashish N, Minton S
Value in Health, 2019
How Does Machine-Learning Compare to an Incoming Medical Student in Extracting Outcomes Results from Abstracts?
Michelson M, Ross M, Minton S
Value in Health, 2019
Artificial Intelligence for Rapid Meta-Analysis: Case Study on Ocular Toxicity of Hydroxychloroquine
Michelson M, Chow T, Martin N A, Ross M, Tee Qiao Ying A, Minton S
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020
Leveraging Machine-Assistance to Replicate a Systematic Review
Michelson M, Ross M, Minton S
Value in Health, 2019
A Deep Learning Method to Automatically Identify Reports of Scientifically Rigorous Clinical Research from the Biomedical Literature: Comparative Analytic Study
Del Fiol G, Michelson M, Iorio A, Cotoi C, Haynes R B
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2018
The Value of AI Tools: Some Lessons Learned
Minton S
AI Magazine, 2017
Temporally Aligning Clusters of Social Media Reaction to Speech Events
Amanatullah B, Barish G, Michelson M, Minton S
Proceedings on the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Monitoring Entities in an Uncertain World: Entity Resolution and Referential Integrity
Minton S, Macskassy S A, LaMonica P M, See K, Knoblock C A, Barish G, Michelson M, Liuzzi R A
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011
Improving Classifier Performance by Autonomously Collecting Background Knowledge from the Web
Minton S, Michelson M, See K, Macskassy S A, Gazen B, Getoor L
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops, 2011
Creating Relational Data from Unstructured and Ungrammatical Data Sources
Michelson M, Knoblock C A
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2008
Information Integration for the Masses
Blythe J, Kapoor D, Knoblock C A, Lerman K, Minton S
Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 14, no. 11, 2008
Active Learning with Multiple Views
Muslea I, Minton S, Knoblock C A
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2006
An Expressive Language and Efficient Execution System for Software Agents
Barish G, Knoblock C A
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2005